Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Sorry, H&M But You Made a Mistake...

Notice anything unusual about this photo? Look closely and you'll see that all four models - who are quite obviously not quadruplets - have exactly the same body. Not just in a 'oh, they're all skinny models' way. But actually in a way they're completely identical.

It transpires that H&M, in their wisdom, decided to plonk real models' heads on to the same body and then just alter the skin tone accordingly. Even worse, the body used isn't even a real body in the first place - it's actually computer generated. A spokesperson defended this by saying that they take photos of the clothes on a dummy and then add the body around the image, this is so customers' eyes will be 'drawn to the garments instead of the models'.

How, I ask you H&M, can anybody envisage what they might look like in a bikini when it's been modelled by a piece of plastic and a fake body and pixels?

I find it even more worrying that the Swedish retailer doesn't seem to think they can find a real model with a good enough body to show their bikini's best potential. Maybe those size zero models just a bit fat around the hips to look good in swimwear.

I know when my next holiday comes around I won't be shopping in H&M. I think I'll save my money for somewhere that isn't afraid of real women.

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